Dedicated Transport Services
With Roehl Dedicated Transport Division, you’ll get creative solutions to your complex transportation needs.
From short-term projects to longer agreements, you can secure our dedicated transport service capacity and knowledge to optimize your freight flows and ensure your loads are delivered on-time and safely.
From new fleet start-ups to taking over existing underperforming business, with Roehl, you’ll get an integrated solution that meets your critical production and supply-chain requirements.
Contact us for a customized solution to your shipping needs. We offer:
- Distribution Center (DC) to Store or Inbound to DC
- Freight consolidation
- Multi-stop
- Dry Van, Temperature-Controlled / Refrigerated or Specialized Trailers
- Special Handling Requirements
- Private Fleet Augmentation and/or Power Only Support
- Dedicated Yard Management
Our Dedicated Division continues to grow because we Deliver Success to our customers.
Get a quote & l​​​​et our team give you the service you need to be even more successful!
Dedicated Transportation FAQs

What You Get When Shipping With Roehl Transport
- Cost-Effective Service from Planning to Billing
- Roehl Capacity Solutions means you have a seamless capacity offering
- We can cover freight across multiple locations and service lines
- We can build a tailored capacity solution across all 48 states
- Route & Fuel Optimization
- Helps ensure we provide the best pricing to our customers
- Helps ensure your loads are delivered on time and without additional risks
- Excellent equipment and the best maintained large fleet in the nation
- Trailer tracking technology lets you monitor your loads across your entire network
- Our safety performance means less risk of damage and downtime on the road
Contact Us
Use our Contact Us page to reach our individual departments, including for proof of delivery requests.
Let us take care of your shipping needs, so you can focus on your core business.